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Bainbridge AlphaMat Artcare
Specialties - Heritage
Baroque Black
32" x 40" 4-Ply

Bainbridge AlphaMat Artcare Specialties Heritage Baroque Black Matboard
Our Price: $22.32
Special Instructions: Must order a minimum of 10 Sheets any 32"x40" sized matboard or cardboard*

Product Code: B848433

Part # B848433
Distinctive archival specialty surfaces and colored cores add a unique, creative touch to preservation framing and feature patented Artcare protection technology. The most extensive assortment of distinctive surface textures designed to enhance and embellish your creative matting. 100% archival. Featuring Artcare advanced protection. These elegant, rustic surface treatments add visual texture.

* A minimum order of 10 sheets is required to be eligible for ground shipping. Minimum can be met with any assortment of 32 x 40 matboard or Item # 1900 cardboard. Matboards are not eligible for free shipping offers.

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